You are running Increase Contrast, which can be targeted with:
@media (prefers-contrast) and (not (forced-colors)) { ... }
You are running Windows HCM which can be targeted with:
@media (forced-colors) { ... }
You are running either Windows HCM or Increase Contrast which can be targeted with:
@media (prefers-contrast) { ... }
You are running anything that isn't Increase Contrast which can be targeted with:
@media (forced-colors) or (not (prefers-contrast)) { ... }
You are running anything that isn't Windows HCM which can be targeted with:
@media (not (forced-colors)) { ... }
You are running anything that isn't Windows HCM or Increase Contrast which can be targeted with:
@media (not ((forced-colors) or (prefers-contrast))) { ... }